Gregory Shimansky wrote:
Ok I see now. I was just worried that it is something wrong with files being locked undeletable.

Should continuum ignore this clean warning and try once more if it happens instead of reporting build failure?


Tim Ellison wrote:
Gregory Shimansky wrote:
I've seen the same failure of clean target several times. Does anyone know why it happens? When I run clean again, it usually succeeds. The failure is 100% reproducible, clean usually works, but sometimes finds some files which weren't deleted.

We decided that 'clean' should complain if it finds derived files left
in the build directory after having removed all the files it expects to
be there.  Usually this would be an indication that the clean target is
missing some derived files in it's remove task.  However, if we rename a
type (as in this case) then the build will notice the old .class file
with no corresponding .java file, so it artificially triggers the warning.

After printing the warning the clean task removes any remaining files
anyway.  If you continuously see the warning then the clean target is
likely wrong, if you see it as a one-off then that it is probably due to
a rename.

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