Tim Ellison wrote:
> Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:
>> Plans for the future include:
>>  1) add a chart for the number of subscribers to the various lists (I
>> already have a script for this, but I need somebody with apmail karma to
>> run it on the apache machine that handles our mail)
>>  2) add a chart for email traffic
>>  3) start performing static analysis on the code using tools like
>> findbugs, PMD and CPD
>> Comments, suggestions and criticism welcome!
> At the risk of 'going meta', there are a number of indicators of the
> health of Harmony that would be interesting to plot.  Some relate to the
> codebase (LOC, test passes, API completeness, etc.) and some relate to
> the effectiveness of the community (mailing list activity, jira
> turn-around time, number of committers, etc.)
> The following paper by Crowston et al. [1] has a list of interesting
> measures that you could gather for Harmony.
> [1] http://opensource.mit.edu/papers/crowstonannabihowison.pdf

just to give you an idea of where I'm going with Melody, this is what
I've done for my day job


the code is available under a BSD license at


Also, I know personally two of the authors of that paper and I strongly
respect their work and motives but I think it's much harder to collect
data about a community because 'quantity' and 'quality' don't
necessarily go together.

I try to be more creative in my community analysis, for example



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