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Subject: [ha-Safran]: Fall Jewish Books from LA Book Expo


hi there.
this is my abbreviated postcard from the Los Angeles Book Expo America.

Hello from Los Angeles, where I am attending the Book Expo America as well as the Israel Film Festival.

You cannot shake a lulav without hitting a Jewish Book Fair representative. They are everywhere. I ran into the head of jbooks.com, and Lev Raphael, and Carolyn Hessel. I met reps from the Jewish JCC Book Fairs of Indy, LA, St Louis, Rockville, and places in between. There were booths from JPS, Jewish Lights, Gefen Publishing, the Mosaic-Press.com, Merkos Publications, Devorah Publishing, Pitsopany Press, and even the Kabbalah Center.

I met lots of authors, and Steve Bochco (LA Law, Hill St Blues) met me and said, "This is MY Jewish book," while signing his newest novel. When I met Joel Siegal of ABC TV, he reiterated that he actually did invent German Chocolate Cake Ice Cream at Baskin Robbins. I also learned about a cool Jewish magazine called ZEEK.net by Matthue Roth. Very hip!

Hot titles for the Fall include a new Jewish Study Bible from the Oxford University Press. Edited by Adele Berlin and Marc Zvi Brettler, it uses the JPS Tanakh translation, and is going to be heavily promoted. The Seal Press was hawking The Flying Camel, forthcoming essays on Jewish identity by Mizrahi women, edited by Loolwa Khazzoom.

Kathleen Sharp made an appearance for "Mr and Mrs Hollywood," a bio on Lew and Edie Wasserman. "Rothstein" by David Pietrusza will come out in October and tell the real story of Arnold Rothstein and the 1919 World Series. The Stanford University Press was highlighting it's two volume Pritzker Edition of The Zohar, translated by Daniel C. Matt (Fall 2003).

Jewish Lights had a dozen very interesting Fall releases. Among them is a new book of Commentary from Rabbi Elyse Goldstein, this one is a Women's Haftarah Commentary, a companion to the Women's Torah Commentary. They will also release a collection of personal essays, based on Danny Pearl's last words, "I Am Jewish."

Red Rock had two forthcoming books by Marvin Korman about the Jewish Bronx. Gefen has "50 Jewish Messiahs" and a book on the Israel astronaut, Ialn Ramon, titled, "Journey of Hope." Among the Fall books displayed by Stewart, Tabori & Chang was, The Lights of Hanukkah," a coffee table book of menorahs. Barbara Fradkin will publish her third Jewish mystery book in the Inspector Green series, this Fall.

Jennifer Kushell was signing a very interesting book, The Secrets of the Young and Successful." She portrays many teens and their various successes. A Jewish book? "Sure," she told me, many of those portrayed are Jewish. Many? More like a significant portion! Speaking of success, Professor Sherry Ortner (Columbia) will publish her study of class in America, using as her base of study her 304 classmates of a Newark High School (Class of 1958), classmates who were overwhelmingly Jewish. The Book is titled, "New Jersey Dreaming."<BR>

Lauren F. Winner, who wrote a book (Girl Meets God) on converting to Orthodox Judaism at Columbia University and then finding Jesus, and becoming Christian, was hawking a new book titled "Mudhouse Sabbath: Twelve Spiritual Practices I Learned from Judaism." Six years after becoming a big-time Christian, it is about the 12 things she misses about Jewish Sabbaths, weddings, burials, kashrut, and holidays, and why she thinks these practices can enrich her Christian life.

Other highlights of the Book Expo were; Harvard University Press' "Making Americans: Jews and the Broadway Musical" by Andrea Most (Univ Toronto); "Hana's Suitcase" by Karen Levine; "The House of Klein" by Lisa Marsh; "Musically Speaking: A Life Through Song" by Dr. Ruth K. Westheimer (U of P Press… they served bagels at her signing); "Wedding Song: Memoirs of an Iranian Jewish Woman" by Farideh Goldin (Brandeis); "The Case for Israel" by Alan Dershowitz (Wiley); "Values Propsperity and the Talmud - Business Lessons of the Ancient Rabbis" by Larry Kahaner (Wiley); "Joining the Sisterhood: Young Jewish Women Write Their Lives" by Tobin Belzer and Julie Pelc (Suny); and a very very peculiar book: "The Secrets of the Jews" by Roger Sabbah.

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