Victor Perera passed away recently. He was best known for his work "The 
Cross and the Pear Tree: A Sephardic Journey," in which he chronicles his 
family's history since the expulsion from Spain and explores the parameters 
of his Jewish identity. He was an instructor in writing at University of 
California Berkeley and an important figure in the northern California 
Sephardi community. Though "The Cross and the Pear Tree," is probably 
already in nearly every library's collection I thought this might be an 
opportune time to remember Perera and set a few more copies of his books 
out there before the reading public. We ship and bill to libraries, of course.


1. Perera, Victor. "The Cross and the Pear Tree: A Sephardic Journey." 
London, Andre Deutsch, 1995. First UK edition. Octavo in dust jacket,  xii, 
282 pp., b/w photos, bibliography, index. Hardbound. Very Good. $15.00
2. As above. The American edition. $15.00

3. Perera, Victor. "Of Whales and Men: Patagonian Encounters." Berkeley, 
CA, The Author, ca. 1998. Quarto, plastic spiral binding, paper covers, 125 
single-sided sheets. Softbound. Very Good. This appears to be a version of 
the published text that Perera may have used in his writing classes at UC 
Berkeley.  A recent publication, but very scarce.  $25.00

4. Perera, Victor. Unfinished Conflict: The Guatamalan Tragedy. Berkeley, 
University of California Press, 1993. First Edition.  Octavo in dust 
jacket, xvi, 382 pp., map., b/w photos, epilogue, bibliography, index. 
Hardbound. Very Good. Photographs by Daniel Chauche. Perera's Jewish 
Guatamalan childhood is described in his memoir "Rites: A Guatamalan 
Boyhood." This book, though it seems far from Judaica I think is 
interesting. Here is a Sephardic Jew, born in the America's, telling the 
story of a genocide that happened in his native land. $12.50


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San Francisco, CA 94121
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