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From: Julie Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New from Devora Publishing - Torah 24/7

New from Devora Publishing…

TORAH 24/7

A Timely Guide For The Modern Spirit

By Steven Ettinger

Steven Ettinger, rabbi and successful taxation attorney, shows us how the weekly Shabbat Torah readings are a window to the wonders that God has in store for us during the week. Using his own life experiences, shaped by the same modern trends that engulf us daily, the author reveals the hidden connections between the story of the Torah and the story of our lives.

Is the Internet a modern day <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Tower of Babel? Ettinger asks. And how are our lives affected by the Nimord personalities of today?

Was the Biblical Jacob faced with a paucity of ethical teaching, or even worse, was he taught to go over the line when he acquiesced to his mother's prodding to "take the blessing" from his brother Esav? Ettinger wonders as he reviews the questions of ethics that arise in his own legal practice.

Here is a wonderful tool for those who seek to understand the connection between their everyday life and their spiritual life, and how to tap into that connection. Here are masterful examples of the conflicts each of us face, of the decisions each of us make, and of the hopes, prayers and desires that inspire us as we move from week to week.

Many of these anecdotal, true stories can be used by rabbis, educators and laymen across the entire Jewish spectrum to highlight the relevance of the Torah to the modern experience.

Click <http://www.devorapublishing.com/Wpages/BookSpecific/Torah3737.htm>Here to View…

Devorah Publishing Phone: 1-800-232-2931 Email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Website: <http://www.devorapublishing.com/>www.devorapublishing.com

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