Thanks, Ted, for your helpful comments.  Perhaps the problem is mine, but I 
find myself less disturbed by the idea that someone would attempt to use 
the name "Dewey" and it's attendant classification system for other than 
direct library purposes, than I am by the idea that a classification system 
should be proprietary (if that is the correct term) at all.  It seems to me 
that if there are villains in this story, it would not be the hotel's 
owners, though I have no illusions about their motives involving anything 
but the bottom line.  It seems to me that the true villains in this story 
are those who would attempt to buy and sell the rights to a name for 
something that we should hold in common as though it were the label on a 
box of breakfast cereal or a can of beans.  I think when we do that we 
demean our profession, for, no matter what we publicly say are our motives, 
I believe that others will perceive our real message to be that we are 
selling a product rather than offering a service for the good of the 
community.  I admit that this allows for the possibility that someone else 
might do just that with the tools we offer, but I believe we do ourselves 
more damage by attempting to defend ourselves on their terms rather than on 
our own.

Dan Rettberg
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio

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