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From: Jerusalem Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ha-Safran] Newsletter Rosh HaShana 2003-4

Dear Friends,

As we hope you have already heard, our Fall 2003 catalog is in the mail. In every catalog, there are a wide variety of important and interesting titles. So here goes with our “short list”…

In Bible and Archaeology: ‘Western Wall Tunnels’ by Dan Bahat, published by Keren Le-Moreshet Ha-Kotel Ha-Maravi / cat. #47729 - $38.50 Hebrew

‘Jerusalem Crown,’ the Hebrew University Bible – Allepo Codex, with companion volume/ cat. #47785 - $41.50 (2 volumes, Hebrew)

‘Necropolis of Jerusalem – 2nd Temple Period,’ by Amos Kloner and Boaz Zissu, published by Yad Ben Zvi, cat. #47851 - $31.50 Hebrew

And in Jewish Thought (Mahsevet) : ‘Ramban – Nachmanides – Cyclical Time and Holy Text,’ By Haviva Pedaya, Am Oved, cat. #47993 - $24.50 Hebrew

By Avi Sagi, ‘Etgar / A Challenge – Returning to Tradition, published by Kibbutz ha-Me’uhad, Univ. Bar Ilan Law School and Machon Hartman, cat. #48130 - $27.00

Also in the field of Jewish thought there have been a number of recent publications in English from the Lubavich publishing house - Kehot, such as ‘Chasidic Perspectives – a festival anthology / discourses by R’ Schneerson (z”l) the last Lubavicher Rebbe, as well as, ‘True Existence,’ ‘Journey of the Soul,’ and ‘On the Essence of Chasidus’. All are important works on Hassidic Philosophy, with Hebrew text and translation but are published by Kehot publication, Brooklyn, NY. These titles and others from Kehot are also distributed in Israel and we can get them. If you are interested, please let us know.

In the area of Holocaust materials, there are several titles by and about children during the Shoah. ‘Behind the Walls’ is the memoir of a Jewish child raised in a convent during the war. Edited by Shifra Glick, published by Feldheim, cat. #47948 - $17.50 Hebrew

As well: ‘Lent Parents,’ cat. #47126 ($15.50) and ‘Borrowed Children,’ cat. #47127 ($17.00) both by Bloeme Evers-Emden and translated from Dutch into Hebrew. Self published.

Titles on the Warsaw Ghetto: ‘Gone with the Fire,’ (Halaf ‘im ha-Esh), edited by Bella Gutterman, a new diary written in hiding by Naomi Weinkrantz and published by Yad Vashem, cat. #47361 - $17.50 Hebrew

‘Faces in Jewish Resistance – 60 Years –Warsaw Ghetto Uprising,’ by Batya Dvir, #47145 and Tuvia Friedman’s Institute of Documentation, on this subject, ’60 Years..,’ (Mikets 60 Shana le-Mered ..) cat. #47738 - $31.00 Hebrew

Under Israel and Zionism: From the Carta publishing house: ‘Battle Sites in Israel,’ cat. #47883 - $47.00 Hebrew

‘Gift of Electricity,’ (Birkat ha-Hashmal), on the Israeli Electric Co., Yad ben Zvi, cat. #47736 - $36.50 Hebrew

‘Aspiring to Architectural Excellence,’ (Be-She’ifah le-Metsuyanut) - on electrical construction projects from 1921-1942, published by the Technion, Haifa. Cat. #47067 $30.00 Hebrew

From Yad ben Zvi, ‘Jerusalem During the British Mandate,’ cat. #48135 - $31.50 Hebrew

Another few highlights… ‘Who is an Israeli,’ (Mi-hu Yisra’eli) by Hanan Bar, cat. #47757 - $14.00, ‘Politics of Bereavement,’ published by Kibbutz HaMeuchad, cat. #47567 - $20.00 and ‘Cappuchino in Ramallah - War Diaries’ by Amiri Suad, cat. #48188 - $16.00.

There are also a number of new offerings that chronicle the lives and teachings of great Jewish Scholars such as: ‘Angel Among Men - impressions from the life of Avram Yitzhak Hacohen Kook,’ by Simcha Raz, cat. #47679 - $33.50, or, ‘Memories of a Giant – Eulogies in Memory of Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveichik, cat. #47676 - $28.50, both published by Urim and are in English.

Two others from Urim in English - Orthodoxy Awakens is the story of the growth of Orthodox Judaism and observance in the US and Canada from 1940 through 1975. Along with the role that Yeshiva University and Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin played in this rebirth. This book is a must have for any collection on the development of the American Jewish community in the 20th century.

Hardcover, 291pages include photographs and copies of documents, footnotes and epilogue. Cat.no. – 48945, $29.50

Wisdom From My Teachers / Challenges and Initiatives in Contemporary Torah Education Edited by Jeffrey Saks and Susan Handelman

This 400 page, hardcover work by the editors in cooperation with ATID (Academy for Torah Initiatives and Directions) is a collection of 20 essays by the top educators - Chaim Brovender, Yitzchak Blau, Norman Lamm, Gila Rosen, Yale Unterman – to name only a few in the field. Educators, rabbis, scholars all; each contributing there insight for the future of Torah education. Cat.no. 48872 , $32.50

And as we approach the end, we are proud to announce a Jerusalem Books exclusive! ‘Theurgy of Prayer in the Lurianic Kabbalah’, by Menachem Kallus, PhD. This doctoral dissertation of 440 pages is in English on Kabbalah. It was accepted at the Hebrew University in May 2003 and is an important academic work that presents a new reading of Lurianic Kabbalah. It reviews the history, concepts and terminology of Kabbalah, explains the theory and practice of meditation and prayer and explains Kavanot. This perspective will prove useful for the academic libraries and Jewish Studies programs. Spiral bound with Hebrew abstract (39pgs) and footnotes, cat. #48925 - $90.00

And last but not least by any means: Anthology of Yiddish Folksongs: volume 6 – The Mark Warshavsky Volume edited by Sinai Leichter. Published by Magnes; Hebrew University, 2002, approx. 240 pages. Included in this volume are forty-eight songs and as well as an additional section on Bund songs.

The work contains the original Yiddish, English translation and transliteration of the Yiddish. Index, introduction and biography of Warshavsky are in English and Hebrew. Cat. #48895 - $32.00

And a last note - a new feature of the Fall in the Sifrei Kodesh – Rabbinics section we have included editor’s comments in English for the first time. This is intended to allow for categorization and differentiation of this complex area of Hebrew works. To include these comments lengthens the catalog somewhat and requires time and effort. We would really welcome feedback from you on the wisdom of this addition. Is it helpful to you? Please contact us at <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell us. Thanks.

Once again, all of us at Jerusalem Books wish all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year. Shana Tova, Tzom Kal ve-Gmar Hatimah Tova.

Jeff, Wendy and the rest of us here

PS. Wendy is on vacation from the 2nd and we will all be on vacation during the week of Sukkot (10th thru 18th of October) so please know that responses to email and orders will only be answered after that.

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books ltd.
POB 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
972-2-643-3580 (tel/fax)

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