----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Ha-Safran] International Conference on Jewish Genealogy

For further information contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


The Israel Genealogical Society is pleased to invite
proposals from potential speakers for the 24th IAJGS
International Conference on Jewish Genealogy. The
Conference will be held on July 4-9, 2004, in
Jerusalem, Israel. English will be the official
language of the conference. A number of lectures will
be presented in Hebrew with simultaneous translation
into English.


Authors wishing to present a paper at the Conference
are invited to submit an abstract either by e-mail to
a diskette in WORD FORMAT to reach the Conference
Secretariat by December 31, 2003 together with 3
original copies. Material should be sent by Airmail in
a padded envelope marked “Do Not Fold”. Proposals,
whether accepted or declined, will not be returned.
Make sure you retain a copy of your proposal.

Sorry, FAX submissions will not be accepted!

Proposals Format:

If you plan to submit more than one proposal, please
use a separate page for each submission.

1.   File format should be either Microsoft Word
(*.DOC) or Rich Text Format (*.RTF) only.

2.   Abstracts should be written in English, Times New
Roman font and single-spaced.

3. Page margins are 2.5 cm (1 inch) from each side.

4.   Every proposal should include the following

a.   Abstract’s title should be centered, typed in
CAPITAL LETTERS in 14 points, centered and in BOLD.

b.   Leave one line space and then list authors’ full
names and titles in 12 points size font, unbold and
centered. Underline the name of the presenting author.

c.   In the next line list organizational affiliations
of all authors including full address, telephone, and
e-mail address. Use 12 points size font, text unbold
and centered.

d.   Leave two lines space and than begin 300-word
abstract of the lecture, size 12 points font, Times
New Roman, single-spaced, justified to both sides.
Describe the content of the  presentation and identify
whether the presentation is geared to a beginner,
intermediate, or advanced genealogists.

e.   Leave one line space and than write 50 - 100 word
bio of the speaker, Times New Roman font, size 12
points, single-spaced, justified to both sides.

f.   Leave one line space and describe the speaker's
prior lecture experience, with emphasis on Jewish
genealogy. This information will assist the program
committee in the final selection of presentations.

g.   Please state the language (Hebrew or English) in
which you would prefer to present your lecture.


At least one presenter from each accepted proposal
must register to the Conference in order to be
included in the final program.


December 31, 2003 - Submission of abstracts

February 15, 2004 - Notification of acceptance

Please visit the Conference website at
www.ortra.com/jgen2004 for more information.

Thank you in advance for your interest and proposal.

The Program Committee

Ortra Ltd.
1 Nirim Street, P. O. Box 9352,
Tel Aviv 61092, Israel
Tel: + 972-3-638-4444
Fax: +972-3-638-4455

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