----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: Zachary Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [Ha-Safran] Slavic Judaica

Below is a list of Slavic and East European booksellers from whom Stanford buys much of its Judaica. It appears as the appendix to my paper, Slavic Judaica Revisited, included in the Toronto convention proceedings and available online on the AJL website.

Like other libraries, Stanford also maintains exchanges with libraries in Eastern Europe (especially in the former Soviet republics), and acquires much of its Slavica -- including Judaica -- through those channels.

Finally, I would like to draw the attention of Ha-Safran subscribers to a recent issue of the journal Slavic & East European Information Resources (SEEIR), published by Haworth. Vol. 4, no. 2-3 (2003), which I guest-edited. The double issue bears the added title Judaica in the Slavic Realm, Slavica in the Judaic Realm: Repositories, Collections, Projects, Publications. It will also be issued as a book.

Among the bibliographies and bibliographical essays in that issue of SEEIR I would like to mention the following:

"Hebrew Incunabula in the Asiatic Museum of St. Petersburg," by S. M. Iakerson;
"Jewish Book Publishing Today in the Countries of the Former USSR," by Alexander Frenkel;
"Slavic Judaica in the YIVO Library: Acquisitions from 1991-2001," by Nikolai Borodulin;
"From Odessa to Odessa: Russian-Jewish Periodicals of Ukraine," by Vladimir Karasik;
"Bibliographical Projects in Polish-Jewish Studies since 1989," by Stephen D. Corrsin.

The other contributions to SEEIR are:

"The Jewish Archival Survey: Tracing Jewish Records in the Former Soviet Archives," by Marek Web;
"The Creation of a Documentary Collection on the History of Russian Jewry at the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People," by Benyamin Lukin;
"Microfilming Hebrew Manuscripts in Eastern Europe," by Benjamin Richler;
"Resources on the Genealogy of Eastern European Jews," by Zachary M. Baker

Abstracts of these articles are found on the Haworth web site: http://www.haworthpressinc.com/store/product.asp?sku=J167.

[List of Slavic and East European booksellers:]

Bouchal Export-Import Ltd. Erdőkerülő u. 16, H-1157 Budapest, Hungary. Fax: + 36-1-418 48 84. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://www.bouchal.hu/book.htm). Hungarian books; occasionally issues Judaica lists.

East View Information Services. 3020 Harbor Lane North, Minneapolis, MN 55447. US Toll-free: (800) 477-1005; fax: (763) 559-2931. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://www.eastview.com/). Russian-language books and periodicals; Judaica listed on its Web site.

Derex. Aleea Tebea 2B, bl. 101, sc. A, ap.15, Sector 4, Bucuresti 753852, Romania. Fax: +40-21-410.51.43. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact person: Doina Niculescu (<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]). Romanian books, including publications of Hasefer.

Ksigarnia WysyBkowa Lexicon.P.O. Box 957, 00-950 Warszawa 1, Poland. Fax: +48-22 461744. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] Contact person: Maciej WoliDski. Polish books, including Judaica.

Kubon & Sagner Buchexport-Import GmbH. D-80328 <http://www.kubon-sagner.de/sw/swm.html>München, Germany. Fax +49-89-54 218-218. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://www.kubon-sagner.de/index_englisch.html). Contact persons: Otto Sagner und Sabine Sagner-Weigl. Books and journals from throughout Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS states (very good for Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic); occasionally issues Judaica lists.

MIPP International. POB 189, Minsk 220131, BELARUS. Phone/Fax: +375 172 346834. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (<> Russian, Ukrainian, Baltic-language books and periodicals. Based in Minsk, with offices in Brooklyn and Vilnius; occasionally issues Judaica lists.

Szwede Slavic Books. Mailing address: P. O. Box 1214, Palo Alto, CA 94302. Phone: 650-780-0966. Fax: 650-780-0967. Street Address: 1629 Main St., Redwood City, CA 94063. E-mail: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED] (http://www.szwedeslavicbooks.com). Especially Russian, Polish, and Czech books, including Judaica.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Zachary M. Baker Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections Stanford University Libraries Area Studies Resource Group Green Library 321 Stanford, CA 94305-6004

Telephone  1-650-725-1054
Fax  1-650-725-1068

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