I have not worked in public libraries, but I have
worked for private companies.

I have worked Sundays instead of Saturdays as needed.
I have flexed my hours to come in early and/or leave
late to make up the time so that I could leave early
on Fridays.

My local public library requires fulltime employees to
work one evening a week and one Saturday a month.
Since they are open Sundays during the school year,
I assume that something could be worked out.

(I told my employers that I was Shomer Shabbos when I
was interviewed, so there were no surprises.  I think
that legally I didn't have to do that.  In some cases,
I was told that if I could not work Saturdays, then I
was not right for the job.  In one case, I was hired
by a department head and then fired by someone else
before I started.)

Good luck in your search,
Rose Myers

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