The conversation on this line has been quite interesting in recent days.
There seems to be anxiety over materials that relate to the conflict between
the Israelis and the Palestinians. I think that people are confusing their
professional outlook with their personal outlook. I echo Dr Sheynin that
this line is not a place for politics. However, I think there is a serious
professional issue. We can have in our libraries a balance of intellectual
output. This does not mean that we personally have to reflect that balance.
As professionals we often deal with materials we disagree with yet we
perform our professional tasks to the best of our ability. It is unfortunate
that anyone would go beyond that point and have their professional side be
affected by their political side. If that is the true then ALA was correct
in condemning Israel for destroying Palestinian Libraries and culture with
no mention of the  attempted destruction of Israeli society by homicide
bombers. The bomber shows no deference to educational institutions, places
of worship, or any other gathering place of civilians. To favor or
sympathize their position without mentioning the other equally terrible
piece is unfair and obscene. Have we forgotten about our brothers and
sisters who have been wantonly murdered over the last three years. When will
we learn that the Palestinians are bent on our destruction either our
institutions or ourselves. Balance is proper for a collection and is
improper when it comes to our people and their survival.

I was once listening to a talk show on my way into work. The host took a
phone call where the caller said that librarians build their collections
based on their own problems. As to our discussion the caller would seem to
be right. It seems from responses that librarians take their politics into
the library. I called the program and informed the host that librarians
concern themselves with information needs of the users of the library not
their own. I believe that this conversation has no place on this line. This
is a forum for professional issues. If we are deciding whether to buy such a
film then that is valid. If our politics motivate us to buy the film it is
professional irresponsible.

I don't mean to blame anyone. All are entitled to their opinion but let us
refrain from pushing an agenda. Our organization did not answer ALA's
obscene resolution as strongly as it could have. What will we say if a
homicide bomber will inflict pain on any of our institutions. Will we still
be this political. This is AJL let it not become ALA

Eliezer M. Wise
Library Director
Tuttleman Library of Gratz College
7605 Old York Road
Melrose, Park, Pa.  19027
215-635-7300 x 159

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