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From: "Lieve Teugels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Ha-Safran] Bilingual reprint of Sukenik's Ancient Synagogue of Beth Alpha

In commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Sukenik’s demise, Gorgias Press is pleased to announce the following publication:

Author: Eleazar Lipa Sukenik
Title: The Ancient Synagogue of Beth Alpha (Deluxe Edition): An Account of the Excavations Conducted of Behalf of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem

New Introduction by Professor Steven Fine
ISBN: 1-59333-078-2
Format: Verona Cloth with decorative stamping
Size (in): 9 x 12
Pages: 213 (ix* + 58 English; 52 Hebrew; plus graphs)
Photos/Illustrations: 93
Maps/Plans: 2
Publication Year: 2003
Price: $180.00

“Fifty years since Sukenik’s demise, and generations since their original publication, Sukenik’s studies of ancient synagogues retain much of their original interest... This Gorgias Press edition, issued in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of Sukenik’s demise, is testimony to the abiding value of Sukenik’s 'Jewish Archaeology.'”
— Steven Fine, in the new introduction to the present reprint.

“The mosaics of Bet Alfa are striking in their coloring and stylization and are among the finest examples of Jewish art in the Byzantine period”
— Michael Avi-Yonah, in Encyclopaedia Judaica.

[<http://www.gorgiaspress.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?&store_code=GPB&screen=PROD&product_code=1-59333-078-2>Click here to view product...]

The Beth Alpha synagogue mosaic is one of the most striking examples of ancient Jewish art ever uncovered. Excavated in 1929 by E. L. Sukenik on behalf of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, this mosaic provoked an immediate sensation among scholars and lay people throughout Jewish Palestine, Europe and America. Located in Israel’s Jezreel Valley, this remarkable mosaic preserves images of the Binding of Isaac (Exodus 22), of a zodiac wheel flanked by personifications of the seasons that was labeled in Hebrew, and of a Torah shrine flanked by menorahs and lions.

The discovery of the Beth Alpha synagogue mosaic was a milestone in the development of scholarly and popular consciousness of the significance of ancient Jewish art within Jewish and Zionist culture and within the Greco-Roman context. Sukenik’s masterful and beautifully produced final report is of abiding scholarly value, and will interest all who take an interest in Jewish history, art and culture. The Ancient Synagogue of Beth Alpha was originally published in separate Hebrew and English editions. This Gorgias Press reprint combines both versions into a single volume. It includes an original introduction to Sukenik’s scholarship on ancient synagogues by Steven Fine, which is illustrated with historical photographs.

The Gorgias Press edition includes additional illustrations. It is a deluxe edition printed on long-lasting acid-free 80-lb paper, and bound in Verona cloth. [<http://www.gorgiaspress.com/Merchant2/merchant.mv?&store_code=GPB&screen=PROD&product_code=1-59333-078-2>Click here to view product...]

Order Information:
Online orders: <http://www.gorgiaspress.com>www.gorgiaspress.com
Fax orders: +1 732 699 0342
Phone Orders: +1 732 699 0343
Address: Gorgias Press, 46 Orris Ave, Piscataway, NJ 08854 USA. Email: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

George Kiraz -------------------------- George A. Kiraz, M.St. (Oxon), M.Phil., Ph.D. (Cantab) Gorgias Press 46 Orris Ave. Piscataway, NJ 08854 Tel. 732-699-0343 Fax 732-699-0342 <http://www.GorgiasPress.com>http://www.GorgiasPress.com

Director, Beth Mardutho: The Syriac Institute
Fellow, Institute of Christian Oriental Research (The Catholic University of America)

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