
I'm writing to correct a common misunderstanding.

Mishnaic and later rabbinical authorities do not discount the miraculous
military victories.  The institution of the Al-Hanisim liturgy and the
acceptance of the book of Maccabees and Josephus Flavius Anitiquities
supports this understanding  (See the Artscroll pg 33).

Rather, the Talmud emphasizes the "miracle of the oil" to teach us the
true lesson of Chanukah.  The purpose of the conflict was *not* to
establish an independent political state - even though the Jewish People
achieved political independence years after the miracle of the oil.

Six thousand Charedi avreichim, Rabbis and a Kohen Gadol, together,
sought *only* to reclaim control of the Beis Hamikdash (to rededicate
it).  This was the reason they merited miraculous victory.

The "miracle of the oil" did not begin with the recapture of the Beis
Hamikdash.   Rather, the miracle began years before the first Maccabean
conflict when the Greeks defiled the Beis Hamikdash (B.H.).  They
thoroughly defiled the B.H. but "overlooked" the one jug of oil sealed
by the Kohen Hagadol (no less).

THAT was the real miracle.

The oil, having burned beyond its natural span was not that special.
This miracle took place every day in the Beis Hamikdash (when it stood).
Nor was it necessary for the Jews to use pure oil (Artscroll, 93).  It
would have sufficed to use the defiled oil.

So, why the miracle?  To teach us that the **only** thing that makes a
difference in life is Torah and Mitzvos (as commanded by G-d).  Not
ritual customs!!  The jug of pure oil was preserved to enable the
victorious Jews to merit the mitzvah of menorah lighting to its



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