Ha-Safran members and their friends are cordially invited to attend two
lectures that Dr. Aaron Demsky will deliver in Manhattan in January 2004.
     1. On January 26, 2004, at 7:00 p.m., Dr. Demsky will be at the
Synagogue for the Arts - Civic Center Synagogue.  His subject will be
"Megillat Esther: A Letter from Gollus (Diaspora/Exile)," discussing the
Book of Esther and it historic setting in Persia/Mesopotamia of the 5th and
4th centuries BCE, exile in its earliest historic instance, and the social
(anti-Semiticism) and theological (cessation of revelation) aspects of
estrangement and political disenfranchisement.
     The Synagogue for the Arts - Civic Center Synagogue is located at 49
White Street in Tribeca, New York City 10013 (212.966.7141).
     2. On January 28, 2004, at 3:30 p.m., Dr. Demsky will be at the Jewish
Theological Seminary (3080 Broadway) to speak on "The Names of the Letters
in the Hebrew Alphabet and their Order".
     Dr. Demsky is professor of biblical history at Bar-Ilan University,
where he also directs the Project for the Study of Jewish Names. He has
sponsored six international conferences and edited four anthologies of
articles on the subject.

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