I wish I could agree, but the target of the piece is clearly Friedman.  But
the path by which she gets to her conclusion is so tortured that whatever
"freight" she sees has been dumped by the roadside long before then:
Friedman donates to a shul library; that shul is Conservative; it's part of
the Masorti movement; religion and politics are mixed in Israel; so the
Masorti movement has taken political positions, maybe even on Israeli
foreign policy; Friedman has written nice things about Israel.  Voila!
Friedman is really giving his money to support political causes in Israel.

Hers is a media column, so from time to time she looks at journalistic
ethics.  I looked through her columns on Lexis-Nexis, although they're all
available on line at the Village Voice site.  I couldn't find anything
criticizing black journalists for belonging to churches that hold political
rallies on the Sunday before election day.  By her logic, which of course I
don't accept, Krugman's money, going to a public library, probably helps
support a librarian who belongs to the ALA, whose annual resolutions have
already been discussed at length here on this list.  Such criticism would be
absurd.  So is this.

Joshua Sharf
Site: http://www.viewfromaheight.blogspot.com

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