----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: Gloria Oren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Famous people who were born and/or died in Adar

Nancy, here are some things I've found by running a search on Google (keywords - people born in Adar)

See http://www.torah.org/learning/maharal/purim.html

"In telling about Haman's lottery to choose a date to destroy the Jews, the Talmud (T.B. Megillah 13b) teaches: "Since the lottery came out on the month of Adar Haman was very happy. He said `My lottery fell in the month that Moshe died.' But he didn't know that although on the seventh of Adar Moshe died, on the seventh of Adar he was (also) born."

Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu (Shlita)

"Anna Ticho -- 12th of Adar (1894-1980) an Israeli painter whose home in Jerusalem has become part of the Israel Museum. One can visit her home, view her paintings and enjoy the outdoor garden and cafe just off of Yaffo Road.

Marjorie Gutherie -- 28th of Adar (1918-1983) was a dancer and the wife of singer/songwriter Woody Gutherie.

Bora Laskin -- 22nd of Adar (1912-1984) was the first Jew to sit on the Canadian Supreme Court. "


"100th birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, the Rebbe's wife, on Tuesday, Adar 25 (March 20),"


March 9 - 5 Adar II

"1992 Begin dies.
In 1977, Begin was elected Prime Minister. As Premier, he helped initiate the peace process with Egypt, which resulted in the Camp David Accords and the 1979 Israel­Egypt Peace Treaty. "

That's from the first 5 pages only. Continue the search I'm sure you'll find a lot more. Gotta get ready for work. Hope that helped.

Gloria Oren
EJPL Libraian, Bellevue, Wa

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