February 19, 2004

New Yiddish Books available from CYCO Books.

Elegy for My People: Memoirs of an underground courier of the Jewish Labor 
Bund in Nazi-occupied Poland, 1939-1945. By Jacob Celemenski, translated 
from Yiddish by Gershon Freidlin. Gripping wartime memoir of a Bund 
activist's resistance work.2000, Jacob Celemenski Memorial Trust, 
Melbourne. $15

Leksikon fun der nayer yiddisher literature (Lexicon of New Yiddish 
The indispensable guide to Yiddish literature, including author 
biographies, publications, historical background. Edited by the renowned 
writers S. Niger and Jacob Shatzky.
1956, Congress for Jewish Culture, New York. $36 per volume; $250 for 
8-volume set.

Hagadah for Passover, Pirkve Aboth in Etchings, Avinu Malkeynu - three 
books by Saul Raskin. Beautifully illustrated oversized volumes by the 
famous artist Saul Raskin. $39.95 each.

To order books, or for more information, contact CYCO books at 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or (212) 505-8305.

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