Efraim is still having computer problems. So am I come to think of it. Is 
anyone else having a problem with AOL.COM? AOL bumps all my mail as "spam", 
very bothersome.

Ef would like to make a small correction. So here is Translation Slap-Dash 
II (original spanish follows):

Zadoff wrote:

Yo! Alba!
I have to correct what I just wrote. The books upon which I based my answer 
appear to be wrong. I continued looking about and came across Zeev Vilnai's 
book with is the undisputed authority on the subject. The interpretation 
that I made on the name is correct, i.e., Shaar Hamugrabim does come from 
the neighborhood which was built in front of the Kotel and which was indeed 
flattened in June-July 1967. It was in this neighborhood that at one time 
arabs from the "Maghreb", i.e., the North of Africa, lived. The correction 
has to do with the identification of the gate. Haaretz is quite right, the 
rampart, (a wall of which collapsed a couple days back), leads to (the 
Mograbi Gate) which is indeed the gate in the southwestern area of the 
Temple. It does NOT lead to the Shaar Ha-ashpot or Dung Gate.

Ah. What a relief. Now I can get ready for shabat with peace of mind 
knowing that I've corrected that mistake. Thanks for passing this mail on 
to our friends at Hasafran...

>Hola Alba,Debo corregir lo que te escribi antes. Los libros en los que me 
>base parece que estaban equivocados.Continue buscando y revise el libro de 
>Zeev Vilnai, autoridad indiscutida en el tema. La descripcion que hice del 
>nombre es correcta. Shaar Hamugrabim proviene del barrio que estaba 
>construido frente al Kotel y que fue destruido en junio-julio de 1967. En 
>ese barrio parece que en algun momento vivian arabes procedentes del 
>Maghreb es decir norte de Africa. La correccion es sobre la identificacion 
>de la puerta: en Haaretz tienen razon, es la puerta que esta en la zona 
>sur occidental de la muralla del Templo, a la que se llega por una 
>explanada de la que hace unos dias se derrumbo una pared. NO ES el Shaar 
>Ha-ashpot - Dung Gate. Ahora puedo prepararme para shabat mas tranquilo, 
>sabiendo que corregi el error.Te agradecere que lo pases a los companyeros 
>de HASAFRAN ya que tu ingles es mas fluido que el mio.;-) Carinyos,Efraim.
Shabat shalom y'all
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti "La Javura"
Valencia (Espana)

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