New Yiddish book available from CYCO!
March 2, 2004

Who says they don't write new Yiddish books? Here are four new ones!

A fish hot mikh nisht ayngeshlungen / A fish did not swallow me. By Tswi 
2003, Y. L. Peretz Publishing House, Tel-Aviv. ISBN 965-7012-5406.  $15.00
Compelling new fiction by the award-winning author.

Opgegebn broyt/ Bread for Bread. By Tswi Kanar. 1996, Y. L. Peretz 
Publishing House, Tel-Aviv. ISBN 965-7012-05-08. $15.00.
Stories of the Holocaust period.

Bloye vinklen. Itsik manger: lebn, lid, un balade / Blue corners: The Life 
and Poetry of Itsik Marger. By Alexander Spiegelblatt. 2002, Y. L. Peretz 
Publishing House, Tel-Aviv. ISBN 965-7012-53-8. $25.00
Critical analysis of the celebrated Yiddish writer Itsik Manger.

Iber mayne vegn: lider, poemes, un dertseylungen / Above my ways: poems and 
stories. By David Wolpe. 2002, Johannesburg. ISBN 0-620-28941-4. $25.00
Writing by and about the Yiddish poet and editor David Wolpe.

To order books, or for more information, contact CYCO at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
or 212-505-8305.

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