In light of the continuing discussion of gathering resources to deal
with Mel Gibson's "The Passion", I am forwarding to you for consideration
for circulation to the HaSafran list the following Email and hyperlink
circulated by the Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York.
     Be well!
     Joseph I. Lauer
     Brooklyn, New York


----- Original Message -----
From: "Lauer, Chaim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 12:49 PM
Subject: Mel Gibson

In light of the publicity of the release of Mel Gibson's film, "The
Passion...", we would like to alert you to available resource material on
the BJE's Educational Resource Center's page -

These materials were developed after a meeting convened by BJE with staff
from ADL, AJCommitee, JESNA, the JCRC of NY, and BJE.

Kudos to Emily Witty, Orna Sheena, and Mendy Sudranski for their usual
high-quality and creative work and quick turnaround time.  Special thanks
also to Bill Rothchild and Etzion Neuer of ADL, David Elcott of AJCommittee,
Elisa Haidt of JESNA, Michael Miller and Craig Miller of the JCRC of NY for
their guidance, cooperation, insights, and materials.

We are surveying schools as to their needs and interest.  We are also
suggesting that if their students tell teachers about severe problems they
may encounter due to the film, principals should immediately report it to
the ADL, AJC, or JCRC.  Gray Area issues -- for example, a sense of change
in  relationships or friendship with non-Jewish friends -- are to be
reported to BJE area offices for data collection if students raise it.

We are also encouraging Jewish teachers, as you will see in the materials,
to try to understand this event in the context of great inter-faith progress
in the United States and to be aware of and analyze their own possible
internal prejudices.

Shabbat Shalom
Chaim Lauer
Executive Vice President
Board of Jewish Education of Greater New York
520 Eighth Avenue
15th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 646.472.5350
Fax: 646.472.5450

Check our Website at

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