> In other words, "look, their scrambling for your attention in this way 
and that - it's not all necessarily a conspiracy - but you
 > should understand it, respect it, and know how to read between the lines.."

I always quote J.K.Rowling in the last chapter of Harry Potter and the 
Chamber of Secrets when talking about web pages in the
"Introduccion al Judaismo" class that Sinagoga conservador/masorti offers 
on Sunday morning, to wit:

"Ginny!" said Mr Weasley, flabbergasted. "Haven't I taught you anything? 
What have I always told you? Never trust anything that can
think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain. Why didn't you 
show the diary to me, or your mother? A suspicious
object like that, it was clearly full of Dark magic!"

One of the exercises is to find some web pages on judaism (not hard there's 
only about 2,349,103 of them) and then do 3 basic
1) Who wrote this thing
2) Who are their friends and affiliations
3) Does the "contact us" answer a garden-variety question with decent 
grammar in a timely fashion and sign with a real name.

A good page starts with, for example: "You have just landed in a web page 
that represents Synagogue Such and So, designed to
promote a specific branch of judaism. This is our address. This is our 
telephone number and these are our office hours. Pop on by."

Anything less is suspect.
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano
Sinagoga conservador/masorti "La Javura"
Valencia (Spain, pop on by any time for the penny tour)
+34 96 380 2129

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