Didn't someone tell us that Google does not endorse or list hate sites?
  Does someone have evidence for this claim?  If so, then all of Dr.
Weinshank's arguments below are irrelevant.  If Google says it does not
list hate sites, then it needs to pull this site from the rankings in
order to be true to itself.   If it does not make this claim, then the
reference librarian argument has weight.  But we have every right and
reason to make another site related to Jews more popular than the hate
site through any legitimate means available to us.  Just how do you
think the hate site got to be so popular?  You don't think any
ignoramuses had anything to do with that?  Or are they all intelligent
and we're all stupid?

And I have not seen one person say that Google's algorhithm or Google
itself is anti-Semitic.  The argument is that the hate site is, and the
idea is to steer people away from that site.  It's idiotic to do that?

Or maybe we should just sit back and let anti-Semitism take its course?

Just wondering.

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