Dear Colleagues,

As you all know, Marcia Goldberg was hospitalized  a few weeks ago.  She
has undergone a few surgeries during her hospital stay.  Her sons inform
me that the doctors have found a cancerous tumor in her brain.  It is
anticipated that she will begin radiation treatments soon.

Marcia is still at the Washington Hospital Center, in room 2E15A.
Visiting hours are between 11am and 9 pm daily.  The address is:

Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving St. NW
Washington, DC 20010

Cards and visits are most welcome.

Please keep Marcia in your thoughts and prayers!

Thank you.


Yelena Luckert
Humanities Team
University of Maryland Libraries
College Park, MD 20742
Voice:  301-405-9365
Fax:    301-314-2795

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