Dear Anna,

      In response to your HaSafran posting: there are so many children s 
books of Jewish content that are out of print, that I think your request 
for titles needs an organizing principle.  I would suggest using the Sydney 
Taylor Body-of-Work awards as the first priority and individual STBA 
winners as the second.

For example, Isaac Bashevis Singer won the Body-of-Work award in 1971.  His 
OP titles include:

A Day of Pleasure and Other Stories for Children

Why Noah Chose the Dove

When Shlemiel Went to Warsaw and Other Stories

The Golem

The Fearsome Inn

The Wicked City

Mazel and Shlimazel: Or the Milk of the Lioness

The Topsy Turvy Emperor of China

Alone in the Wild Forest

The Fools of Chelm and Their History

Joseph and Koza: Or the Sacrifice to the Vistula

Naftali, the Storyteller and His Horse, Sus

      The next Sydney Taylor Body of Work winner was Marilyn Hirsh.  Her OP 
titles include:

Where Is Yonkele?

The Rabbi and the Twenty Nine Witches

Captain Jiri and Rabbi Jacob

Deborah the Dybbuk

The Tower of Babel

I Love Hanukkah

Hannibal and His Thirty Seven Elephants

I Love Passover

Could Anything Be Worse?

Potatoes Pancakes All Around

The Hanukkah Story

K tonton In the Circus

Ben Goes Into Business

The House On the Roof

Joseph Who Loved the Sabbath

One Little Goat

      These long lists of O.P. titles by two of the finest authors of 
Jewish children s books exemplify the extent of the problem and the 
difficulties in preparing a randomly generated list of such titles.  If you 
only followed the organizing principle that I suggest (above), the list 
would still run to hundreds of titles.

Linda R. Silver, Librarian

Jewish Education Center of Cleveland

2030 S. Taylor Rd.

Cleveland Hts., OH  44118

216-371-8288, ext. 128


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