Dear ladies and gentlemen,


The  Jewish  Music  Collection  of the Vernadsky Library, Kiev (An-ski
Expedition  Recordings,  Beregovski  Archive etc.) Multi-CD Edition of
the Complete Recordings 1911-1947

My  name  is  Vladimir  Krasheninnikov. I  have been appointed by the
Institute for Information Recording and the Vernadsky National Library
of the Ukraine as distribution manager for the CD project described in
this message.


For  many years the Vernadsky National Library of the Ukraine has been
the  home  of an extensive sound archive of field recordings of Jewish
music  made  in  Russia  during  the  first  four  decades of the 20th
century.  At  the  centre  of  this  sound  archive lie the expedition
recordings made in Belarus, Volhynia and Podolia between 1912 and 1914
and the legendary Beregovski archive of recordings made in the Ukraine
in  the  1920s,  1930s  and  1940s. In recent years two 'experimental'
promotional  CDs  containing  sample recordings taken from the archive
have  been in limited circulation. I wish to inform you that these two
CDs  are  now readily available on a normal commercial basis to anyone
who wishes to purchase a copy. In addition to this, however, I wish to
inform  you  of  a  far  more  important  development  which will have
long-term repercussions in the fields of Yiddish studies and of Jewish
music.  It  has  been  decided  to  release  the  entire sound archive
commercially on a series of CDs.


In  total the entire 'scientific edition' will comprise between 50 and
100  discs  (at  this  stage it is impossible to be more accurate) and
will  be presented in accordance with the highest scholarly standards.
The  discs will be available not just to academic institutions and the
like  but to the general public as well. We estimate that it will take
5 - 7 years for the entire edition to be issued. All future discs will
be  released  in  the  CD-Extra  format  and  will have an anticipated
average running time of around 40-50 minutes. In addition to the sound
tracks, the discs will contain scans of all the music sheets and other
archival  documents  relating to the recordings on the disc. Perhaps I
should explain that CDs in the CD-Extra format are CDs that carry both
sound and text/images. The sound tracks can be played back on a normal
CD  player or on a PC with a sound system. If they are played on a PC,
you  can  also access the text and images. Each disc represents a mine
of  hitherto  inaccessible source material recorded on location in the
shtetls  of  Belarus,  Volhynia,  Podolia and elsewhere at a time when
Yiddish  was  still a vibrant and thriving culture. The material about
to  be  made  available  is  absolutely unique and of immense musical,
linguistic  and historical interest. For example, from a musical point
of  view  the  complete  CD  edition will contain not only hundreds of
field  recordings  of  Yiddish  folk  and  theatre  songs, work songs,
klezmer  music  and other items but also the most extensive collection
of recordings of Hasidic melodies ever put together and, what is more,
recorded in the very heartland of Hasidism.


The  first  two discs in the new series are devoted to recordings made
in Belarus and the Ukraine by the folklorist Zinovy Kisselgoff between
1913 and 1935 and will be available very shortly - probably within the
next  2  -  3  weeks.  In this particular instance the running time is
about  90 minutes spread over two discs. The first disc contains about
35 minutes of cantorial items and the second disc, which has a running
time  of  55  minutes,  has recordings of wedding and other ceremonial
music  and  children's  songs.  In  addition about 60 music sheets are
included  on the discs. Each disc will cost $34 (including postage and
packing)  and  may be ordered by contacting me by e-mail, fax or phone
(see   details   below).  Payment  is  either  by  bank  transfer  or,
alternatively,   via  the  'iKobo'  money  transfer  system  (see  the
company's  website  at This payment system has
been in operation for several months now and is working very well, but
if  anyone  has  any suggestions as to how it can be improved on, then
all the better. Ease of payment is an absolutely crucial issue in this
enterprise  and  if anyone can suggest other payment methods which may
be preferable, I would be extremely grateful to hear from you.


Finally,  I  would  like  to  stress  one  point and once more ask for
assistance.  This  whole project of issuing the sound archive on CD is
entirely dependent on the sale of the CDs. As you can imagine, this is
an  enormous  undertaking and involves a host of engineers, scientists
and archivists. In addition, in order to make the sound transfers from
the  delicate  Edison  wax  cylinders onto the digital media a special
laser  stylus had to be invented (the first of its kind in the world).
All  this  has  to be financed from sales of the discs. The success of
the  project  will  depend  wholly on the response of the public and I
would  ask  you  to  contact anyone who you think may be interested in
this project and pass on the information contained in this message.

If you wish
a) to place an order
b) to be  kept informed about the progress of this CD edition or
c) who have any queries whatsoever in connection with this present message, 
contact  me  as  follows:

Fax: +380-44  463-04-60
Phone: +380-50 310-33-87

Yours sincerely,
Vladimir Krasheninnikov

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