Dear Colleagues,

I understand that questions have been raised regarding our reprints of books
whose copyrights may still be held by extant Yiddish publishers.  Although
the oversight was inadvertent and involves only a very small fraction of the
13,000 volumes we've digitized to date, and although we've actually sold
only a handful of copies of such titles, we nonetheless regard this concern
with the utmost seriousness. We have therefore taken action to make sure it
never happens again.  I have just written to each of the active Yiddish
publishers, asking permission to reprint their protected works.  If they
agree, their titles will remain in our catalog; if their answer is no, their
protected titles will be immediately removed.  Of course, the vast
preponderance of the titles we've digitized are in the public domain, and we
will continue to make reprints of these available as before, at

Aaron Lansky, President
National Yiddish Book Center

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