May 10, 2004

The Research and Special Libraries Division (R&S) of the Association of
Jewish Libraries (AJL) is pleased to announce the winners of its Judaica
Bibliography and Reference Book Awards for 2003.

These awards, underwritten respectively by Mr. Eric Chaim Kline of Los
Angeles and Dr. Greta Silver of New York City, will be presented at the
banquet at the 39th Annual Convention of the Association, which will
take place on Tuesday evening, June 22nd, at the New York Marriott at
the Brooklyn Bridge.

This year, the R&S Division of AJL is also pleased to announce a
special one-time Body-of-Work Award. Underwritten by Mr. Harvey Krueger
of New York City, the award will also be presented at the convention

On behalf of the members of the Association of Jewish Libraries, we
congratulate the winners on their valuable contribution to the field of
Judaica reference and bibliography and thank the sponsors for their kind
generosity and support. We hope that all will be able to join us in
person at the awards ceremony.

Winner's of this year's awards are:

1) Bibliography Book Award

         S. Lillian Kremer, editor. Holocaust Literature: An Encyclopedia
of Writers and Their
         Work. New York: Routledge, 2003.

This two-volume bio-bibliography for the research use of students,
scholars, and the general public,  provides access to the work of over
300 memorists, novelists, and poets, and some religious and secular
thinkers and theorists. Essays by more than 120 specialists give new
insights on well-known writers, second-and-third generation writers--the
children of survivors--and introduce lesser-known writers in languages
other than English. Each entry contains a complete list of the
author's primary works and a bibliography of critical sources.
Lillian Kremer's introduction gives an overview of national Holocaust
literatures. Two bibliographies focus on concerns of theory and
criticism and on various language groups.
In addition to a glossary and maps, the encyclopedia's appendices
include cross-listing authors and works by ghettoes, camps, historic
figures, key events, literary themes, genres, languages, and the birth
places of authors.

Dr. Kremer is a member of the English faculty at Kansas State
University. She is a recognized expert on Holocaust literature and
20th-century Jewish American writers.

2) Reference Book Award

         Guilherme Faiguenboim, Paulo Valadares, Anna Rosa Campagnano,
         Dicionario sefaradi de sobrenomes: inclusive cristao novos,
conversos, marranos,
         italianos, berberes e sua historia na Espanha, Portugal e Italia
= Dictionary of
         Sephardic surnames: including Christianized Jews, Conversos,
Marranos, Italians,
         Berbers, and their history in Spain, Portugal and Italy. Rio de
Janeiro, RJ: Fraiha, 2003.

This beautifully executed volume is a dictionary of 17,000 Sephardic
surnames culled from 335 different sources from the 14th to the 20th
century. Information for each surname includes locality where the
surname is found, etymology, when the surname was first registered,
names of Inquisition Courts that refer to the surname, and well-known
Sephardic or Christianized Jews with the entry's surname.

The authors were inspired by Alexander Beider's Dictionary of
JewishSurnames from the Russian Empire (Avotaynu, 1993). Due to
historical and geographical differences between Ashkenazim and
Sephardim, the authors had to develop new methods of evaluation and
analysis for their dictionary.

Dr. Guilherme Faiguenboim, who lived in Israel for many years, is a
member of the Colegio Brasileiro de Genealogia and a founder of the
Sociedade Genealogica Judaica do Brasil and a co-editor of its bulletin,
Geracoes. Anna Rosa Campagnano, also a co-editor, is an author and
teacher, who has written about Italian Jews in Brazil. Paulo Valadares,
member of Associacao Portuguesa de Genealogia (Lisbon), Colegio
Brasileiro de Genealogia and Sociedade Genealogica Judaica do Brasil, a
co-editor of Geracoes, writes about the Jewish presence in the Iberian
Peninsula and the Diaspora.

3)One-time Body-of Work Award

Avotaynu Publishers, Inc. (Bergenfield, NJ), founded by Dr. Sallyann
Amdur Sack and Mr. Gary Mokotoff,  is the recipient of this one-time
Body-of-Work Award. It is the single organization which has helped "to
grow Jewish genealogy" by providing excellent reference tools for the
increasing number of people interested in their Jewish roots. In the
past twenty years, the R&S Division of AJL has given more Reference and
Bibliography Book Awards to Avotaynu Publishers than to any other

Members of the R&S Judaica Bibliography and Reference Book Awards

Aviva Astrinksy (YIVO), Veronica Belling (University of Cape Town),
Yisrael Dubitsky (Jewish Theological Seminary of America), Nancy
Pressman Levy (Princeton University), Peggy K. Pearlstein (Library of
Congress), Abraham Rosenberg (Ets Haim Library, Amsterdam) Rita Saccal
(Seminario Rabincio Latinoamericano "Marshall T. Meyer", Buenos

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