As Linda Silver said   "  If public libraries are responsive to the 
interests of their users and
potential users, then those located where there are significant numbers of
Orthodox Jews will provide materials ..."

The Toronto Public Library (TPL) is sensitive, and responsive to the needs 
and interests of all members of Toronto's multi-ethnic population.

The Toronto Public Library purchases materials responsive to the wide 
ranging interests and needs of all members of the Jewish community, not 
just one segment of it.  Fiction and Nonfiction are bought,  theme displays 
on holidays, and Jewish issues  are mounted, programs on Jewish issues and 
programs as part of Holocaust Education Week,  are regularly held in 
appropriate branch locations.  Hebrew and Yiddish materials for both adults 
and children are selected by a system selector with the language 
skill.  Hebrew and Yiddish videos, cassettes, music and language learning 
materials are bought.  Hebrew and Yiddish newspapers and magazines are also 
purchased, including English language periodicals concerning Jewish issues 
ranging from the community level to national and international scope.  In 
branches with large Jewish communities, the timing of programming is 
decided with an awareness not only of the secular calendar, but also of 
Jewish holidays.  The Barbara Frum branch, which has been mentioned  in 
other emails, is also open on Sunday afternoon.  This schedule was not 
decided specifically because of the needs of the Jewish community,  but it 
certainly enables  easier access to the branch for Shomer Shabbos 
families.  We provide  curriculum support to children in  the day school 
Orthodox families do use our branches.  In response to the person who 
commented that  not all Orthodox Jews are recognizable as such, many of our 
Orthodox users are.  The boys generally have paeis (please excuse my 
spelling) and wear tzitzit and kippahs.  The girls are usually dressed in 
long skirts and long sleeves. There will always be Orthodox children  who 
are not allowed to use the public library, for reasons that others have 
already mentioned, and adults who are non-users.  However, our experience 
is that when they do use the library  the children take large amounts of 
fiction, and adults use a wide range of materials.

TPL  was responsive during the recent anti semitic  incidents in both 
Toronto and Montreal.  We mounted a bibliography of books on Anti Semitism 
on the library website and  TPL donated $1,000 to the Montreal Talmud 
Torah  to help them rebuild their collection. TPL is also an institutional 
member of AJL, and supportive of  staff activities with AJL, as well as 
having hosted a reception at last year's AJL convention in Toronto.

Gloria Jacobs
Branch Head, Forest Hill Branch
Toronto Public Library

The views and opinions  expressed are solely my own.

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the AJL
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