I work part-time (4 hours) a week in my temple's library as the children's 
librarian.  (I am a certified school librarian and also work full-time in a 
public school).

I am beginning to automate my library manually and the children's library 
is separate from the adult.  There is no adult librarian and I don't forsee 
there being one in the near future.

When I am entering subjects in the MARC records, do I use the adult 
subjects (e.g. Juvenile literature) or the children's subjects?
Sometimes only the childrens are listed.

In my school I only list the childrens because as I was taught in school, I 
only use adult subjects when the two are mixed together.

Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me?  I would appreciate it.

Wendy Lavenda-Carroll
Temple Sholom
River Edge, NJ

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