- book announcement -
"Remnant of Israel: A Portrait of America's First Jewish Congregation - 
Shearith Israel"
by Rabbi Marc D. Angel
isbn 1-878351-62-1
192 pages, 9 x 11"
hardcover with linen binding and french-fold jacket
illustrated throughout in full color
$50.00 list price
pub. date March 2004

Riverside Book Company, Inc.
New York City
pdf file of the jacket sent by e-mail on request.

In September 1654, twenty-three Jewish refugees from Recife, Brazil arrived 
in the Dutch colonial town of New Amsterdam aboard the St. Charles, a 
French warship. The Portuguese had just retaken Brazil from the Dutch, and 
these Jews feared living under the same repression that had caused their 
ancestors to flee Spain in 1492 and Portugal in 1497.
         Despite strong protests by Peter Stuyvesant, the local governor, 
the Dutch West India Company ordered that this small group be allowed to 
stay in New Amsterdam.  At first calling themselves Shearith Jacob, or 
Remnant of Jacob, and later Shearith Israel, they became the first Jewish 
congregation in North America.
         For almost 175 years, Shearith Israel was the only Jewish 
congregation in New York City, and its history has been deeply intertwined 
with that of the city and the nation.
Active in both the synagogue and the outside world have been such figures 
as Rev. Gershom Mendes Seixas, an incorporator of Columbia College and a 
prominent patriot during the American Revolution; Commodore Uriah Phillips 
Levy, a hero in the War of 1812 who later saved Thomas Jefferson's 
Monticello from ruin; Supreme Court Justice Benjamin Nathan Cardozo; Emma 
Lazarus, one of whose poems is inscribed on the base of the Statue of 
Liberty; and Maude Nathan, who was active in the women's suffrage movement 
as well as a Daughter of the American Revolution.
         Published to mark Shearith Israel's 350th anniversary, this book 
tells their individual stories as well as the history of the congregation, 
explaining its origins, its rituals and its traditions. It is profusely 
illustrated with portraits, historical documents and ritual objects. There 
are beautiful views of the Little Synagogue, part of the present building 
on Central Park West at 70th Street, which incorporates furnishings from 
the congregation's 1730 synagogue on Mill Street, and of the recently 
restored main sanctuary, with its stained glass and interior design by 
Louis Comfort Tiffany.
         This book tells a fascinating story, one that will appeal to 
anyone interested in the history and culture of the Jewish people, of New 
York City, and of the United States.

the author:
         Dr. Marc D. Angel is Senior Rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel, 
the historic Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of New York City.  He has 
served the congregation since 1969.
         Author and editor of twenty books and numerous articles, he has 
won the National Jewish Book Award in the category of Jewish Thought.  His 
pioneering works on Sephardic history and culture have been highly 
acclaimed and well-received by scholars and general audiences alike.
         Rabbi Angel has been an active communal leader, serving as 
President of the Rabbinical Council of America, President and Honorary 
President of Sephardic House, Vice President of the American Sephardi 
Federation, and Chairman of the Rabbinic Advisory Committee of the Jewish 
National Fund.
         He has been a board member of the New York Federation of Jewish 
Philanthropies, the HealthCare Chaplaincy, Cancer Care and many other 
         He is a recipient of the National Rabbinic Leadership Award of the 
Orthodox Union, the Bernard Revel Award of Yeshiva University for Religion 
and Religious Education, and the Finkle Prize of the New York Board of Rabbis.
         In 1992, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree from 
Yeshiva University, where he earned undergraduate and graduate degrees as 
well as his rabbinic ordination. He also holds a Masters degree in English 
literature from the City College of New York.
         Rabbi Angel and his wife Gilda have three children and four 

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