  So many in Hasafran and AJL have grown to love Rita Frischer and her
husband Jerry.
They have lovingly and tirelessly devoted these past few years to the
following project and it would be wonderful if colleagues and friends from
AJL and Hasafran knew about it.  Rita and Jerry lost a grand daughter
several years ago... and that's what Annie's Playground project is all
  Thank you for sharing.
Abigail Yasgur, Director
Jewish Community Library of Los Angeles
"promoting Jewish literacy"

June 3, 2004

Dear Friends and Family,

We would like to let everyone know that "Annie's Playground" is finally
going to be constructed in Seattle this summer!   We want to thank all of
you for your loving support over the two and a half years since this project
began.  Jerry and I are glad to be renting here in Seattle for now, so we're
on hand and able to help the "Friends of Annie's Playground" to get the job

We'd like to share with you some of the exciting plans for the new
playground.  There will be colorful play equipment for kids of all ages,
including lots of swings, high slides, monkey bars, and a merry-go-round.
In keeping with the playground's Northwest Wildlife theme, there will also
be exploration caves and nature-inspired tile art, including a heron-shaped
bench with outstretched wings.  If you'd like to see what the new playground
will look like, just go to www.anniesplayground.org  and click on
"Playground Plans".  It was your generosity at the very beginning that
convinced Seattle Parks that the playground should be renovated. Since then,
enthusiastic community fundraising, a Department of Neighborhoods matching
grant, plus additional grants, have made "Annie's Playground" a reality.

City equipment began grading on June 1st.  Our work parties are scheduled to
start on July 9th and continue for the next four weekends.  Community
volunteers will be installing equipment, placing tiles under the supervision
of our professional artist, and spreading wood chip surfacing.   Members of
the community have committed to a total of at least 2,000 volunteer hours!

If you'd like to help and you can't come to Seattle for the work parties,
please consider making an additional contribution to help pay for the
professional artwork and refreshments for the work party volunteers. Any
left over money will go into a fund for continued maintenance and upkeep of
the playground.   You can send your contribution check, made out to "Friends
of Annie's Playground", to:

        Tammie Conder, Volunteer Coordinator
         Friends of Annie's Playground at Meadowbrook
         3047 NE 98th Street
         Seattle WA 98115.                   Our Tax ID Number is 51-0170717.

Thank you again for your help, your compassion, and your friendship. The
dedication date hasn't been set yet, but you will be among the first to

With much affection,

Rita and Jerry

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