Many thanks to this year's convention committee for their extraordinary 
accomplishment.  A family wedding on the 20th made us arrive late and I 
missed much of what everyone says was great programming.  However, what I 
was able to attend was terrific and well worth the trip.  Congratulations 
on a job very well done.

Many thanks also to those kind colleagues who offered understanding and 
support, both emotional and practical, after learning from Abby Yasgur's 
post of our family's loss over two years ago.  We appreciate your interest 
in the playground being built this summer in Annie's memory. For those who 
asked how to help, donation information can be found on the website below.

Please come visit <> 
to learn about Annie's Playground at Meadowbrook and watch our 
progress.  New pictures are now up under  Playground Plans which show the 
current preparation of the site.  We'll be tracking the installation 
process online all through July and August.

Thanks again for your concern and help.  We're looking forward to seeing 
everyone in California next year.


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