The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Department of Talmud
The Jewish National & University Library

Cordially invite you to an evening to mark the expanded Online Treasury of
Talmudic Manuscripts

Monday, July 5th 2004, at 19:30
at the Jewish National and University Library
Weintraub Hall, Campus Edmond J. Safra, Givat Ram


Prof. Menahem Megidor, President of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem

Prof. Yaakov Sussmann, Department of Talmud, Hebrew University
Openin remarks

Prof. David Rosenthal, Department of Talmud, Hebrew University
The contribution of manuscripts to research on the Talmud

Prof. Elhanan Adler, Jewish National and University Library
Creating the Online Treasury of Talmud Manuscripts Site: Library and
Technology Aspects

The new interface of the website and its expanded contents including
Mishnah fragments from tne Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection at the
Cambridge University Library (Box  E1) in colour will be up in a few days.

Benjamin Richler
Institute of Microfilmed Hebrew Manuscripts
Jewish National and University Library
POB 39105 Jerusalem, Israel 91390
Tel. 02-6586233  FAX 02-6511771

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