I think it is never too late to say a few words of thanks to Elizabeth and
Elana and everyone who helped to make this convention a big success.  Today
is my first day of work after my long vacation in the States.

Being the first-time attendee, the NY convention is an eye-opener for me.
There I met a lot of people whose names I have seen often in HaSafran or I
have emailed with.  I finally can put the names and faces together.
Everyone I met is so friendly and helpful.  Thanks to the tireless efforts
of the organization committee, there were more sessions than I could attend.
I learned a lot and I had fun too.

On the personal front, I would like to express my gratitude to those who
took me under their wings when I seemed lost.  I also thank you Sally Brown
for giving me the Doris Orenstein Award.  My heartfelt thank you also goes
to Laurel Wolfson, Lee Wixman, Alice Shook (my lovely room-mate), David
Hirsch and Ronda Rose who extended their hospitality to me beyond the

Brenda Yi, Librarian
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