Dear Safranim

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Brave and Desperate
The 60th anniversary of the Ghetto Warsaw Uprising !
The book depicts the harsh decrees, starvation, the murders, life inside 
the Ghetto, deportation to the
death camps and the last battle of the Ghetto - the Uprising.

List Price: $79.95
Our Price: $59.95
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Product no: 315
(Sale is valid until June 7)

Wholesale Prices (also for 1 week ONLY):
Set of 3 Brave and Desperate books  - 69.95 delivery $10
Set of 5 Brave and Desperate books  - 104.95 delivery $10
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Up to 50% discount for more then 10 books, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For more information & sales:
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The tragic story of Warsaw Jewry from the conquest of the city by the German
army to the total destruction of the Ghetto. The book depicts the harsh
decrees, starvation, the murders, life inside the Ghetto, deportation to the
death camps and the last battle of the Ghetto - the Uprising.

Brave and Desperate tells the story of the heroes of the uprising: the
young men and women, liaison messengers and fighters, who chose to confront
the heavily armed and well-trained SS and German army troops, with only
pistols and Molotov cocktails at their disposal.

"Brave and Desperate- is a unique, fascinating and informative album, with
Hundreds of pictures, quotes and testimonies of one of the most horrific and
heroic chapters in the Jewish history.

"A unique album, suitable for every young man and woman"

Emmanuel Halperin (Today to Tomorrow, Channel 1-Israeli Broadcasting Network

"A spectacular and exciting album, rich in pictures, some published for the
first time, with a plethora of information on conditions in the ghetto and
its people."
Professor Dina Porat, Head of Department of Jewish History, Tel Aviv
University (4/25/03)

To order off-line - Please contact us in one of the following methods:
1.  Via E-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
2.  Toll free numbers:  USA      888 750 7021
                         Canada: 877 380 9511

                              Israel:   03-5188255

3.  Our fax number: 972 3-5188256 (Israel)

4.  By mail:
Tal-Shahar Ltd.
POB 8162
Tel Aviv 61081

5.  By check - please make check payable in the name of Tal-Shahar Ltd.

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