----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: jerusalem books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Sefrei Kodesh Newsletter

As the summer winds down and Elul is in the air we’re giving you a little taste of the new and noteworthy in the area of Sifrei Kodesh. In the area of Sifrei Kodesh/ Rabbinics we have continued to include editorial comments in English about these books in our catalog which allows librarians and faculty to know what the book is really about even if the title is obscure or poetic as is the case with these kinds of books.

An interesting and important work on Halacha has been published, entitled, Erekh Haim b’Halakha,’ 2 volumes on halacha including sections on Talmud, Amora’im. Rishonim and Aharonim, including, Rashi, Rambam, the Maharal, Malbim and topics like the loss of one life to save many, fate, informers and ‘din rodef,’ to mention just a few. The book is self published by the author, Dov Halbertal. (with footnotes.) (cat.no. 51821 / $26.50)

Feldheim has published an important work, ‘Zohar ha-Rakiah le-Rashbatz,’ or as on the title page: ‘Azharot le-Rabenu Shlomo ben Gvirol z”l ve-alav sefer Zohar ha-Rakia,’ which is a 15th century commentary by the Rashbatz, (R’ Shimon ben Zemah Duran) on Ibn Gvirol – 12th century poetry, with extensive footnotes.

(cat.no. 51794 / $12.00)

Bible commentary of R’ Yosef David Zinzheim, from 18th century France has been published by Mahon Yerushalayim (in the Old City) for the first time from manuscript - ‘Shelal David’ (cat.no. 51843 / $15.00).

Also from the same publisher and from manuscript is the 10th Cent. French Talmud commentary of the ‘Ragma’, R’ Gershon Me’Or ha-Golah, entitled, ‘Perush ha-Ragma al mesekhet kritot. (Rabenu Gershon was one of the most important Ashkenazi sages who’s ‘takana’ / edict, prohibited polygamy among Ashkenazi Jewry.) (cat.no. 51842/ $15.00)

From Alon Shvut, Dov Schwartz has authored Haguto ha-Filosofit she ha-Rav Soloveitchik ( ‘the Philosophy of Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik – a) Halakhik Man: Religion or Halakha?) The book, in addition to footnotes, has a subject index as well as an index referring to persons from modern scholars to classical philosophers. This Hebrew work analyzes the philosophy, contrasts and issues of this important 20th century religious scholar and also studies and compares his writing style in different works. (Published by Tevunot, Mikhlelet Herzog.) (cat.no. 51820 / $20.00)

On marriage and divorce in Halakha, Or Tora Stone has published Rabbi Shlomo Riskin‘s important work ‘Yad la-Isha.’ (cat.no. 51819 / $16.00) This work tackles this major issue in modern Judaism and provides enlightened orthodox solutions to the problem of the ‘Aguna.’ (the ‘bound’ / abandoned wife). It studies the texts and commentaries from Mishna and Talmud through Geonim and Rishonim, from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Spain and North Africa to the Sages of Ashkenaz. The book includes significant modern Hebrew translation of classic commentaries, bibliography and serious footnotes.

Demonstrating the depth of Israeli thinking, writing and publishing on a vast array of subjects, Mosaica - Research Center for Religion Society and State has published a soft-cover collection of writings of Rabbi, Dr. Menachem Elon. Dr. Elon is a distinguished High Court Justice and expert on ‘ha-mishpat ha-ivri.’ He is also the author of a famous book bearing that title.

This new collection, ‘Neshama Yeterah be-Mishpat’ (cat.no. 51813 / $11.00) is a ‘must have.’ The 140 pp. collection, edited by Aviad Hacohen has about a page on over 80 topics ranging from adoption to burial, from democracy, free speech, human rights to constitutional law, Jewish Law and History and from organ donation to draft resistance.

And so, enjoy what is left of the summer and an early Shana Tova.


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books

Jerusalem Books, ltd. POB 26190 Jerusalem, 91261 972-2-643-3580 (tel/fax)

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