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New Yiddish Books Available from CYCO Books - September 14, 2004

Ven der golem hot farmakht di oygn. When the Golem Closed His Eyes. By Boris Sandler. Outstanding new historical novel about the Keshenev pogrom. A gripping, intense, and vivid work that was extremely well received at this year's "Yidish-vokh". By the young editor of the Forverts (Yiddish Forward). 2004, H. Leyvik Farlag, Tel-Aviv.
Hardcover, $25.00

Three times Cholent!
A trio of cookbooks by Kay Kantor Pomerantz -filled with delightful recipes including vegetarian and meat cholents, history of the dish, and fascinating facts.

Come for Cholent.1999, Bloch Publishing Company, New York (Paperback, $8.95)
Come for Everything…but cholent. 1995, Bloch Publishing Company, Neww York (Paperback, $10.95)
Come for Cholent…Again! 1994, Bloch Publishing Company, New York (Paaperback, $10.95)

To order books or for more information, contact CYCO at [EMAIL PROTECTED], at 212-505-8305.

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