I agree with Donald, it is not "funny," but for another reason.

True, derogatory words belong in n one's vocabulary, but deleting them is 
only one satep - First one must lost the hate and prejudice behind them.

I was recently having dinner with friends, and someone brought along this 
book, from which we went around the room, doing "dramatic readings."

I failed to see anything funny about it - and I said so.

What is it that people find "funny"? The most base and crass behavior one 
associates with "Jews"? Many years ago William Helmreich wrote a book about 
sterotyping, and a major point was that behind sterotypes is a kernal of truth.

Maybe so. But "Dick and Jane in Yiddish is, in the words of my late father, 
"... a good excuse for antisemitism"!

P. Miller

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