Bene Mahshavah Tovah is a work by Rabbi Kalonimus Kalmish Shapira 
(1889-1943), the Piasetsna Rebbe. Rabbi Shapira wrote a number of works 
with the purpose of assisting young people to grow spiritually through the 
teachings and practice of Hasidut. He believed that the essence of Hasidut 
is to arouse one's emotions to serve G-d through the utilization of one's 
imagination. He prescribed meditational exercises with the goal of 
accomplishing this.
(A similar approach is expounded by R' Menachem Ekstein [a Zdikover hasid] 
in his work: Tenae ha-nefesh le-hasagat ha-Hasidut. This work has recently 
been translated into English and published as: Visions of a compassionate 
world : guided imagery for spiritual growth and social transformation [New 
York : Urim, 2001].)
In Bene Mahshavah Tovah, Rabbi Shapira details the rules and goals of an 
envisioned fraternal order dedicated to spiritual growth through Hasidut. 
His hope was that the work would be used to actually create such a group. 
Bene Mahshavah Tovah was translated/adapted into English and published as: 
Conscious Community: A Guide to Inner Work [Jason Aronson, 1996].

-        Yisrael Meyerowitz
    Tuttleman Library of Gratz College
    Melrose Park, PA

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