I have not seen the books mentioned in the original post, so I can't
comment on their eligibility for an award or their suitability for
inclusion in one collection or another on the basis of their particular
merits. However, I want to register my opinion that to provide Jewish
children with books that reflect their reality, we must be open to
stories of interfaith families.

For the last year and a half I have been the coordinator of The Rabbi
Morris Goodblatt Academy of the Philadelphia Region of the Rabbinical
Assembly. We offer 30 weeks of Hebrew and Judaica instruction to
individuals who are interested in conversion within the Conservative
movement. Many of our students are engaged. After conversion, they are
married with Huppah and Kiddushin. They will, God willing, be blessed
with children whom they will raise as Jews. Those children will have one
set of grandparents who celebrate Christmas. When one of those
grandparents passes away, the Jewish grandchildren will participate in
the funeral, burial, and mourning. Not every interfaith family includes
an interfaith marriage.


Marga Hirsch
175 Upland Terrace
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

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