A huge yasher koach to these two magnificent women for putting on an 
excellent Jewish Children's Literature conference yesterday at Temple Sinai 
in Los Angeles.  The day  began with a breakfast talk by renown children's 
author, David Adler and continued with panels for aspiring authors and 
illustrators, children's librarians and teachers. AJL's beloved Linda 
Silver gave the keynote address at lunch with a well researched talk and 
slide presentation on the history of Jewish Children's literature.  The 
afternoon included storyteller Joel Ben Izzy holding his audience 
spellbound with his extraordinary talent.  The culmination came with an 
author parade featuring an astounding 30 (!) Jewish children's authors who 
were escorted to tables where they signed their books and chatted with 
attendees all of whom were treated to a dessert party.
Thank you Suzi and Lisa for such a wonderful experience.

Enid Sperber, Librarian
Temple Israel of Hollywood
7300 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90046

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