I agree with Bernard. One of the reasons I value my AJL membership in 
general, and this list in particular, is that both facilitate the 
discussion of bibliographical and narrowly professional concerns, without 
too much overflow into discussions of politics of whatever sort. One of the 
results of this, I think, is that AJL, while a much more diverse 
organization than might appear on the surface, is an exceptionally friendly 
and respectful organization, and the participants in the discussions on 
this listserv, to my mind, display these virtues to a fault. The occasional 
"overflow" on this listserv is just that, occasional, and I usually deal 
with it by using my delete button. I would not like to see us become a 
clearing house for endorsements and discussions of candidates running for 
any sort of office in any organization, ours included. If any member of any 
other organization wants to know to what other professional organizations a 
given candidate may belong, that member should petition the organization in 
question to include such information on the announcement describing the 
candidates background and qualifications. I do not think it a reasonable 
expection that candidates running for office in one organization should be 
"vetted" on the listserv of another.

Dan Rettberg
Rare Book and Manuscript Bibliographer
Klau Library
Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Cincinnati, Ohio


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