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Yossi Galron

Hi ALL....

Need your advice.

Our School District has been closed for both days of Rosh Hashana for many, 
many years.

This year, the school board voted to remain OPEN both days...Students not 
attending school on either or both days would be given an excused absence.

Hue and cry from Jewish community made them relent and close the First Day, 
but they voted to be open the second day.

The Jewish population here is quite small...most students are either Indian 
or Oriental.

The Board also voted to be closed EASTER MONDAY, but gives no reason.

In trying to get them to adjust the calendar, they refused one 
option...opening before Labor Day (as they did last year) because of the 
screaming of parents who "don't wantt o cut their vacations short."

Any advice and arguments we can use to convince the Board to reverse its 
decision and close both days of Rosh Hashanah?

Thanks in advance..........................Don Feinstein

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