Dear everyone,

I have never done this before, so please forgive me if I am not doing it in 
a right way....

The University of Maryland Libraries are planning a small memorial service 
for Marcia. It will take place on April 20, 1-3, in the Special Events room 
in McKeldin Library, College Park, MD.  We would like to invite all her 
friends who are able to come to College Park that day to attend our modest 
program.  You can either call or e-mail me (my coordinates are below) if 
you have any questions or even suggestions.

Marcia spent with us several years just before her passing, and we were 
very fortunate to have her here.  She loved working here at the University 
of Maryland Libraries with our Judaica collections. Donations in her honor 
may be directed to the Jewish Studies Library Campaign. This fund will 
preserve and strengthen the Jewish Studies library collections, which were 
so dear to her heart.  A tribute card for each donation will be sent to her 
family, notifying them of a gift.  Transmittal forms to deposit the gifts 
will designate that the gifts are in honor of Marcia.

Kathie Packer, Development Associate, graciously agreed to be the contact 
person for such gifts. Her phone number is (301) 314-5674. Her address is:
Kathie Packer, Development Associate
University of Maryland Friends of the Libraries
McKeldin Library, Room 7109
College Park, MD 20742

If you are interested in donating, please make checks payable to: 
University of Maryland College Park Foundation;  Memo line: Jewish Studies 
Library Campaign.  You can send them to Kathie Packer (address above).

Many thanks.

Yelena Luckert
Humanities Team
University of Maryland Libraries
College Park, MD 20742-7011
Phone 301-405-9365
Fax   301-314-2795

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