Please consider ordering this beautiful book for your collections.

Review by Rita Soltan in April 2005 issue of School Library Journal


WATTS, Irene N. A Telling Time, illus. Kathryn E. Shoemaker.
unpaged.CIP.Tradewind, dist. by Interlink.2005.Tr $17.95. ISBN 1-896580-39-4.
LC C2004-903387-5.

Gr 3-6- A Modern-day grandmother shares with her granddaughter the remembrance
of a childhood Purim in Nazi-occupied Austria. On the snowy eve of the
holiday, a rabbi begins to tell the story of Queen Esther's rescue of the Jews
of Persia to a group of children when he is interrupted by soldiers who have
come to take him for questioning. Pleading for a few more minutes to finish
the tale, the rabbi is given 15 minutes to continue and, at the conclusion,
leads to children out on a snow-covered street and symbolically disappears,
wrapped in his white prayer shawl, within the frosty blizzard night. The two
miracles of salvation are parallelled as one story is told within the other.
Overtones and shadows of the Holocaust are blended with the scenes of the
Purim retelling highlighting the main characters of Queen Esther, King
Ahasuerus, Mordecai, and the villainous Haman. Dark paintings in muted hues
of maroon, black, and gray of a Persian kingdom and Nazi imagery of yellow
stars, Gestapo police, and barbed-wire fencing are a backdrop for text that
alternates in type style to distinguish the two stories. The juxtaposition of
the different times of Jewish persecution in the world's history is subtle and
effective. This holiday book can also serve as a good discussion starter about
racism and anti-Semitism.-

Rita Soltan, Oakland University, Rochester, MI

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