I thought I'd send this email out again, to elicit
more responses.
Thank you.
-Stanley Nachamie

 > Hello.
 > I am organizing the Orthodox minyan for the AJL
 > convention, June 19-22, in Oakland, California.
 > However, because of another commitment, I won't be
 > able to arrive in Oakland until Monday morning, so
 > I'm looking to enlist some people to help coordinate
 > the Monday morning minyan (and any ad-hoc minyanim
 > that people want to have on Sunday for mincha and/or
 > ma`ariv).
 > What I need especially:
 > 1) someone to keep the Torah in his (or her) room
 >    overnight Sunday
 > 2) a man or men to lain all or part of the Torah
 >    reading Monday Morning (the beginning of Parashat
 >    Shelach [Lekha])
 > So please contact me if you have any questions, or
 > can volunteer.  Feel free to pass this message on to
 > anyone who may be coming to the convention but is
 > not on Ha-Safran.
 > Thank you.
 > -Stanley Nachamie
 >  1-212-316-0033

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