----------------------- Message requiring your approval ---------------------- From: Jerusalem Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [ha-Safran]: Post pesach news

Dear Friends,

For all those interested in either Jewish Literature, Women’s Studies or Diaspora Communities please note the recent publication of ‘Yefefiah,’ by Scaria Zacharia and Ophira Gamliel, published by Yad Izhak Ben Zvi and Hebrew University 2005. The English title is Karkulali – Yefefiah – Gorgeous! Jewish Women’s Songs in Malayalam with Hebrew Translation. Yes, the book has 238 pages in Hebrew and 205 pages in Malayalam an Indian language used by the Jews of Kerala. (That is the province with the Indian Jewish Community of Cochin.)

The book has over 50 songs / poems on Sara and Moses and brides and grooms and is a critical scholarly treatment of this field which sheds light on Jewish and Indian culture as well as literature. Cat.no. 54035 $33.00

There is a companion CD that can go along with this – from the Anthology of Music Traditions series, #18 is "Oh, Lovely Parrot!" (Jewish women's songs from Kerala) Cat.no. 54034 $18.50

In Hebrew Literature proper, Yehoshua Sobol has a new book entitled ‘Viski ze be-Seder,’ published by Kibbutz ha-Me’uhad. Cat.no. 54989 $22.00

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Tel Aviv University has published a new Hebrew translation of the Koran by Prof. Uri Rubin. What is important is not just the new translation but the important commentary in the exhaustive footnotes and the 44 page subject index. Cat.no. 55335 $40.00

We recently received a doctoral dissertation on 'Aggadat Bereshit,' (Introduction, Proposal for a Critical Edition and Discussion of its Content and Structure) by Ezra Kahalani, dated 12/2003 (under the supervision of Prof. Avigdor Shinan at the Hebrew U. It has a 15 page abstract in English and is 427 pages in Hebrew. We will get a handful of copies. Cat.no. 55510 $70.00

Also under Rabbinics, a 7 volume set of the classic talmud commentary from 13th c. Spain, entitled, 'Sefer Hidushe ha-Rashb"a al masektot,' has been published. (On the cover - Hidushe ha-Rashb"a ha-Hadash ha-Mifuar ha-shalem ve-ha-medu'yak).Date of publishing - 2005, Jerusalem - Machon Even Yisrael (cat.no. 55145)

As this is not a new work and the cost is $118.00 (while not expensive for 7 volumes, it is still one "title") we will not be sending this on approval.

And as a closing note, the Israel Prize in poetry and literature will be awarded this year to two outstanding writers – Israel Pinkas and Yitzhak Orpaz will be receiving their awards, along with the rest of the recipients on Erev Yom Ha'Atzma'ut. For lists of their published works (which of course you can get from us) please, just ask.

Please swamp us with orders from our catalogs and newsletters because that’s what we are here for and that’s what we love to do.

All of us at Jerusalem Books hoping you had a Happy, Healthy and kosher Pesah!



PS- Many thanks to Yossi Galron and all those involved in managing Hasafran.

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books
POB 26190
Jerusalem 91260
972-2-6433580 (tel/fax)

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