> Attached is a press release recently issued by the Association for 
Jewish Studies and
 > American Academy for Jewish Research in response to the recent decision 
by the British Association of University Teachers to boycott two Israeli 
universities. The press release was sent to The New York Times, The 
Chronicle of Higher Education, The Forward, The Jewish Week, The Canadian 
Jewish News, The Globe and Mail, the National Post, the Jewish Telegraphic 
Agency, the American Association of University Professors, the American 
Council of Learned Societies, the American Historical Association, the 
Modern Language Association, the Canadian Association of University 
Teachers, and the York University Faculty Association.
 > The American Academy of Jewish Research, the oldest body of North 
American scholars of Jewish studies, and the Association for Jewish 
Studies, the learned society of academic Jewish studies, condemn the 
British Association of University Teachers> '>  decision to boycott two 
Israeli universities for their alleged complicity in governmental policies 
and their purported discrimination against a faculty member on political 
grounds.  The boycott is an egregious assault on academic freedom and a 
woeful misreading of the role of Israeli academics and the Israeli 
university. Academics have an obligation to support the free exchange of 
ideas and to participate in international dialogue, not to shun and 
restrain them.  Israeli universities are an important source of the robust 
discussion and critical evaluation of governmental policy that characterize 
Israeli society. It is indeed, ironic, and offensive, that in a world where 
many governments muzzle their faculties, and academic freedom is rare, the 
AUT should focus solely on Israeli universities, which have maintained 
academic freedom and diverse student and faculty communities under 
difficult circumstances..  It is also distressing that in a world where, 
sadly, war and the killing of civilians are far too common only one country 
is singled out for ostracism.
 > The AUT has been ill-served by leaders who pushed through the motion 
without proper investigation of the > "> facts> ">  on which the decision 
was purportedly based, and without open debate within the Association 
itself.   Academics should govern ourselves according to the standards of 
fairness and free discussion we expect from the larger society.
 > We stand in solidarity with our fellow Israeli academics.  We also 
welcome the criticism of the AUT decision by many British university 
administrators and by the Times of London as well as the planned 
reconsideration of the boycott by the AUT.  We are confident that the AUT> 
'> s declaration of a boycott will be understood internationally to reflect 
less upon the reality of Israeli universities than upon the politicization 
of certain leaders of the British academic community.  We call on academics 
throughout the world to refrain from participating in international 
conferences from which Israeli scholars have been banned.

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