Aloha, safranim ve-safraniyot,

I thought I'd jump into this discussion as I am investigating the 
possibility of hosting the 2007 convention here in Honolulu. (Yes, there is 
kosher food in Hawaii, you just have to know where to look for it.)

For a long time I have thought that too much of a burden is placed on the 
local organizers, who, as Liza points out, usually have to learn "on the 
job" how to pull a conference together. Sure, it makes sense for the local 
folks to take care of the hotel and catering arrangements and the tours and 
whatnot, but there's no reason why many--if not most--of the other 
responsibilities could not be spread more widely. I'm thinking here of 
soliciting presenters (and then soliciting their bios, abstracts, A/V 
needs, waivers, etc.), soliciting exhibitors, soliciting advertisers, 
registering attendees, and a lot of other tasks. I know I'm going to need 
some assistance to pull off a Honolulu convention and already some AJLers 
have volunteered to come out here to help.

And lest you fear that Honolulu is too expensive a venue, consider that the 
cost of a room here will likely be less than half the price of your hotel 
room in Boston.


>Fred implicitely points out many of the real issues
>involved (see below):
>1. The AJL conventions are run by its members who are
>amateur event planners, from the national committee through
>all the local volunteers.  These librarians have to learn
>how to run a convention and its component parts anew in
>each new city and venue.
>2. AJL does not hire professionals to head its major event
>of the year, nor (in NYC) pay anyone anything but expenses
>to put on the convention.  (I'm not talking about
>3. It does take two+ years of work to put on a convention.
>4. For the core group of organizers, plan to devote up to 8
>hours a day during the last 3-6 months (at least).  How
>many people have that much time to give while working full
>time?  Or even part-time?
>5. Other models might be possible if the AJL had enough
>Let's take AJL seriously as a professional organization.
>Everyone who made suggestions please volunteer to join the
>convention committee and work on this.
>Best wishes,
>Liza Stabler
>NYC Convention co-chair
>Member of Convention Committee

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