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Subject: [ha-Safran]: New titles - Bar -Ilan Unoiversity Press

July 14th , 2005

Dear Sir / Madam,

We are happy to announce the recent publication of the following titles:

·      Between Tradition and Innovation ­ Studies in Judaism, Zionisn and
the State of Israel
                 - Yehoshua Kaneil ­ In Memoriam
                 / E. Don Yehiya (ed.)

  614 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2005
      ISBN 965 226 277 3

           List Price: $ 49.-

·      The Jerusalem Talmud ­ Tractate Ma’asrot
  ­ Annotated Critical Edition
  / By Yheuda Feliks
  Based on the Leiden Manuscript with variant from manuscripts, Genizah
  fragments and the Venice edition
  Includes iilustrations and tables.

  338 pp. Hebrew. Hardcover. 2005
  ISBN 965 226 274 9

  List Price: $ 39.-

  *    Studies in Bible and Exegesis ­ Vol. VII ­
     Presented to Menachem Cohen
  / S. Vargon, Y. Ofer, J.S. Penkower, J. Klein (eds.)

  510 pp. Hebrew. + XXVI English Absracts. Hardcover. 2005
  ISBN 965 226 269 2

  List Price: $ 42.-

Orders can be sent to Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan 52900, Israel.
Catalogs of 2005-2006 are available upon request.
On-Line Catalogue http://www.biu.ac.il/Press.

We look forward to serving you.

Sincerely yours,

Dina Kupperberg
Distribution Dept.
Fax no. 972-3-53534

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